
Consult the publications written by our happiness experts!

Books by Pierre Côté

Le bonheur mis à nu

Le bonheur mis à nu


"Ten years of studying happiness. Doing nothing but that. Ten years of trying to understand this concept, to analyze it in all ways, to make it a tool for measuring both individuals and the societies they comprise. Ten years of asking thousands of questions and looking for answers."

Québécois 101 : notre portrait en 25 traits

Québécois 101 : notre portrait en 25 traits


The book “Le bonheur mis à nu” is unlike any other book on happiness. Nothing esoteric or psycho pop. A frankly positive, simple and generous book. In short, a book about life, because happiness, whatever people say, is its epicentre.

Parenthèse, deux mois d’errance urbaine

Parenthèse, deux mois d’errance urbaine


Survive for two months in downtown Montreal on only $592.08 in social assistance.

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