10 Reasons Why the Leger Happiness Index is Lower among Immigrants

10 Reasons Why the Leger Happiness Index is Lower among Immigrants

There are nearly endless debates on immigration. 

For the LHI, what matters is to be able to measure how immigrants and their happiness are doing. Considering the latest data (more than 32,000 respondents, 10% of whom are immigrants (3,064), we note that their level of happiness (LHI) is significantly lower than the Quebec average, which is 75.29.


IBL according to Language and Citizenship

When it comes to the LHI, everything can be explained. A detailed analysis of the results for immigrants shows that they are lower on approximately ten factors, all generations combined. Thus, immigrants:

  1. Are less likely to achieve the life of their dreams (reference to the 1st happiness factor: sense of accomplishment and life satisfaction)
  2. Are less likely to say they are satisfied with their job (reference to the 5th happiness factor: job satisfaction)
  3. Are less satisfied with their financial situation (reference to the 6th happiness factor: personal finances)
  4. Have less of a sense of freedom (reference to the 7th happiness factor: sense of freedom)
  5. Are less optimistic (reference to the 9th happiness factor: optimism and confidence in the future)
  6. Are more likely to go against their values and convictions (reference to the 12th happiness factor: authenticity or remaining faithful to your values, principles and beliefs)
  7. Are more likely to experience some form of harassment (reference to the 13th happiness factor: physical and psychological integrity)
  8. Are more likely not to feel safe (reference to the 20th happiness factor: sense of security (violence, terrorism, earthquakes, etc.)
  9. Are more likely to hope for a better fate rather than accept theirs (reference to the 21st happiness factor: serenity, living in peace with yourself and your past)
  10. Are less likely to make donations (reference to the 22nd happiness factor: altruism or giving your time and/or money to causes)


This brief analysis is in line with what is known and said about the difficulties of immigrants, but it also demonstrates their resilience by showing that collectively their LHI is barely lower than that of Francophones, despite the factors that place them at a disadvantage.