Work and happiness: an inseparable pair!

Well, that's not really news! Work stands out as one of the greatest happiness influence factors, closely trailing behind health. Recent LHI data, however, enables us to provide a more accurate assessment of its impact.

Indeed, nearly two thirds of respondents (60%) consider that they love their work. And that's a good thing, because the average RHI of those making this claim is 78.90, more than 3 points over the average Quebec RHI.

It's a completely different story for the 22% of people who stated that they liked their jobs somewhat. In this case, the RHI dropped to 70.70. The situation is nearly catastrophic for the 7% of individuals who definitely do not like their jobs and whose RHI of 64.70 is disquietingly low.

Is this due to a less stressful environment? It would appear that people living in rural areas like their jobs much more than those living in urban settings, as evidenced by the numbers: 71% for the former and 57% for the latter.

Like good wine, job appreciation improves over time, with the relationship being directly proportional to respondent age.

The same observation applies to income, as if high income enhanced job appreciation.