Technology: Faster than it shadow!

Technology has become an integral part of our lives.

While it has undoubtedly had a positive effect, technology has evolved a breathtaking rate and it's hard to keep up with it. More than half of Canadians consider that they are often (21%) or sometimes (31%) overwhelmed by the technological changes in our society, contrasting with 25% who claim never to feel that way.

The capacity to adapt technology appears related to three specific criteria: age, education, and income. More specifically, the capacity is inversely proportional to age but directly proportional to the other two criteria.

It's also interesting to note that this capacity decreases as family size increases. Consequently, only children have less difficulty keeping up technology than those from families of five children or more.

There is also a major difference (15%) between men and women: whereas 44% of men say that they are sometimes or often overwhelmed by technology, the figure climbs to 59% among women. Could it be that technology is a "guy thing," like you so often hear?

Lastly, as a sign that technology is faster than its shadow, 33% of individuals in the18-24 year group say that they are sometimes or often overwhelmed by technology. Try to imagine, then, how difficult it must be for older people to try to keep up.