Education Is a Social Investment
Education Is a Social Investment
The importance of getting a high-school diploma and going beyond cannot be overemphasized. Today's society is nearly adamant and tomorrow's will be implacable with respect to individuals who decided not to invest in their education and training.
The figures speak for themselves and don't leave much room for any other interpretation because the differential between improvement and deterioration in the state or happiness of people last year is nearly directly related to the declared educational level. There is a significant discrepancy between those with little schooling and individuals who have completed college or university. And the gap could well grow in the future.
Is enhancing a society's happiness inevitably tied to better educating its citizens? Quite probably.
Differential related between the improvement and the deterioration of the state or happiness of people last year as a function of education.
The Concept of Differential
The concept of differential between improvement and deterioration in the state or happiness of an individual last year is a useful, complementary indication for analyzing the various segments and subgroups in a population, making comparisons between them, and determining which categories in recent months have been the best and worst.
The differential is calculated simply by subtracting the percentage of respondents in a particular group claiming that their state or happiness improved by those who indicated that it had not.