Attachment to Your City, Within Limits

Attachment to Your City, Within Limits

Better paid work in another city and spending less time in traffic are convincing reasons to move.

Despite this, a strong proportion of citizens are willing to accept lower paid work to remain in the city where they live (42%) or are ready to cope with time-consuming traffic to avoid moving (54%). As we know, work and compensation represent the 5th and 6th determining factors when it comes to happiness and time is a precious commodity, a good gauge of the power of attraction that a city exerts on those who inhabit it.  


 The more people are prepared to refuse to move to another city for a better paying job or to deal with and waste time in traffic to remain in their city, the higher their LHI. This data speaks volumes about the comfort and habits that we create around our place of residence. 

 More indirectly, this same data informs us about the negative impact that dissatisfactory and poorly paid work has on level of happiness and the fact that someone must spend hours in traffic to get to work.  


Refusal to move, for either of the two statements, increases with a respondent’s age, and Francophones are more likely to share these opinions than Non-Francophones. 

Québec City, Like a Magnet. 

The City of Québec distinguishes itself with 55% of respondents who would refuse to move to another city for a more interesting and better paid job, compared to 42% for all Quebeckers. Another example of the attachment Québec City citizens have to their city. It’s in Montérégie (34%) that respondents are most inclined to move.