Pierre Côté, founder of the RHI | BIOGRAPHY

See his bio

The Leger happiness index assesses the general state of mind of populations
Leger, the largest Canadian-owned survey, research and marketing strategy firm with more than 400 employees in offices in Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary, Canada, and Philadelphia, USA , has acquired the IRB (relative index of happiness) which now becomes the IBL (index of happiness Léger).
IBL is a new way of qualitatively and quantitatively assessing the general state of mind of populations and comparing them with each other. We start from the premise that every human being seeks, consciously or not, a situation that will come as close as possible to his / her vision of happiness. The latter is variable and is based on values, assets and feelings that differ from one individual to another. The IBL evaluates the impression and perception that people have of their own state.
The IBL has no pretense of defining happiness, let alone providing recipes to facilitate it, but the information conveyed through IBL is rich. With thousands of questions asked since its creation in 2006 to hundreds of thousands of participants, the IBL is the only veritable independent social observatory, covering various topics, often delicate, and presenting unique analyses based on the concept of happiness. Each and everyone to use them wisely.
A daring visionary who is very sensitive to social reality, Pierre Côté, the founder, created this index in order to make happiness a variable that counts when it comes time to make a judgment or evaluate a society or a collective. Since 2006, the IBL has been able to assess the level of happiness of the population, to compare it and above all, to understand, qualify and quantify the attitudes, attributes, behaviors and values that influence happiness, as much as the individual. than collective. For the IBL, happiness has become a science.
The ultimate mission of the IRB is to raise awareness, to make a social contribution and to improve the level of collective happiness, both in society and in companies, by making use of the information collected and ideas that they suggest.
The sense of fulfilment is extremely powerful and determines, to some extent, the level of satisfaction you have with the life you lead and what you have accomplished up until now. Does the life you lead correspond to the life you want? The sense of fulfilment directly impacts self-esteem and self-realization. This is the factor that has the greatest impact on people’s level of happiness.
The second factor that influences happiness is health, which is often a prerequisite for happiness, although the latter is not inaccessible if our health is not perfect. Be that as it may, good health is, unconsciously, a lifelong goal and a pursuit that is, often times, similar to that of happiness. “When you have your health, you have everything”. Considering the impact good health has on everything else, happiness included, it is easy to believe.
Work is one of the most important factors that affect happiness. The two go hand in hand. The concept of work encompasses the jobs we perform, naturally, but also the relationships we build with our colleagues, recognition we get from our employer, our level of accountability, and self-worth developed through learning.
Love, this precious and equally capricious feeling, is central to our lives. Like work, love is one of the most important factors that impact our happiness, but it is, above all, the relationship we build with our partners. And it is the quality of this relationship that significantly affects individuals’ level of happiness.
“Money can’t buy happiness…” but it does contribute to it, that’s a fact. The concern about having enough money to live and feeling a sense of financial security has a considerable impact on people’s level of happiness. This does not mean that those who have less are necessarily disadvantaged, for let’s not forget that we all have different needs. All the same, the correlation between happiness and our financial situation is undeniable.
Whether it is at work or in your personal or social life, recognition (or appreciation) is one of the basic factors that affect happiness. There is no question that it contributes to our happiness, as it has a direct impact on self-esteem and how we perceive ourselves. Recognition has such a strong impact because it comes from others. The correlation between recognition and happiness is undeniable.
In a society as regulated as ours, the notion of freedom appears paradoxical and subjective. But that doesn’t matter, as the sense and impression of freedom that we experience throughout our lives, regardless of the definition we give it, is directly related to our happiness. One affects the other and vice versa. In fact, 92% of people believe that their sense of freedom directly influences their level of happiness.
Civility seems to be waning. Good manners, social skills, and a minimum of politeness and courtesy should go without saying, and yet… Civility is also an essential form of respect that all human beings are entitled to expect from people they meet. Its impact on happiness is significant.
Is your glass always half-full or half-empty? Optimism is also having trust in general, or a resolutely positive attitude, that contrasts with people who are more fatalistic, negative, and dubious. Optimism is a characteristic that strongly influences people’s level of happiness. The correlation between the two is unequivocal.
Ability to adapt
Modern society can be uncompromising, but those who accept its reality and adapt to what it has to offer, and the challenges thrown their way, show a much higher propensity for happiness than those who are unable to adapt and who have difficulty dealing with this society. It has been said many times, the human being’s greatest strength is its adaptability. Clearly, this varies from individual to individual.
And of course, there is open-mindedness. Being open to what affects us and to what is familiar, as well as to the unfamiliar or unknown, enhances our happiness. Openness is also the willingness to try to understand before judging and shutting people out.
Being yourself, true to your values, principles, and beliefs. Not letting yourself be always conditioned or influenced in your actions by the dictates of society and the wishes or opinions expressed by loved ones. Asserting your personality. Not always easy, but definitely worth it in terms of happiness.
Integrity, or the possibility to live and evolve freely in society without your physical or psychological integrity being threatened or compromised. To feel some kind of peace and tranquility, away from harassment, that allows you to be more trustful and less wary of life.
It is often said that true friendship is the most powerful of feelings because it is unfailing and unconditional. Friendship is at the heart of our lives and is like a rampart against loneliness. Friendships are also our life insurance when life throws us a curveball. It is not surprising, then, that the strength of our true friendships greatly influences our level of happiness.
Living in the moment
In terms of happiness, living in the now, or the ease with which we accept today’s reality and deal with whatever comes up, the good and not so good, one day at a time, is a much better approach than nostalgia. As a matter of fact, longing for the past and convincing oneself that everything was better before has the opposite effect. We cannot change the past, but we can decide how we take on what today and tomorrow bring.
Mutual aid
Lending a helping hand. Being of service. Every day, we have countless opportunities to help others, but do we do so as often as we should? Mutual aid is this willingness and readiness to give someone a leg up, both at work and in our personal lives.
Even though families are no longer as big as they used to be and their relative importance has slightly decreased, our families remain the cornerstone of our lives. As a result, the types of relationships we have with members of our immediate family directly impact our level of happiness.
We speak here not of knowledge with a capital K, but of knowledge of everyday events happening in society, of the willingness to stay connected and to seek information about what directly or indirectly affects us. Knowledge or awareness is also the willingness to be well grounded in our daily lives and to be able to understand their whys and wherefores. This attitude is reflected in individuals’ level of happiness.
This element is more than beneficial to our happiness but is not so popular among the masses. In fact, spirituality is often relegated to the sidelines; the heightened pace of daily life allows us little time to deepen our spirituality, as it takes time, which is something most people lack. It is quite unfortunate, as we would all benefit from making more room for spirituality in our lives. Taking a step back, allowing for a minimum of introspection, accepting and fulfilling our role as mortals, and developing our faith, regardless of how it is expressed, are all elements that, in some way, foster essential spirituality.
It is hard to remain unmoved by the various manifestations, activities, and events that go on every day in the world and threaten our physical integrity. Whether these events represent natural, social, or human threats, it is important to know or feel that we are protected, at least in part, from these events that we have little or no control over.
Living in peace with oneself, with past and future decisions. Some people constantly question and doubt themselves and feel guilty for everything and nothing; while others, on the contrary, never question or doubt themselves and demonstrate quiet confidence. According to the results, these people seem to have the right approach, as this manner of relinquishing various things in life strongly contributes to people’s happiness. Knowing how to let go. We hear and say it, but are we really successful at it?
Altruism is being interested in others or causes, showing empathy, and giving some of your time. It is also about donating money when you can. It is generosity that comes from the heart and wallet. This quality positively affects the level of happiness of those who possess it and demonstrate it every day.
In the broadest sense of the word. Whether it involves social, human, or professional concerns, the level of commitment and involvement of individuals in their community influences their attitudes, perceptions, vision, and, inevitably, their state or level of happiness. Involvement is the best remedy for isolation.
Socio-demographic profile
There is little or nothing you can do about it; your age, sex, status, level of education, size of your family, etc., are all elements that, combined, give us indications as to what can both positively and negatively influence your level of happiness. And so it goes.
Environmental sensitivity
The environment is now a major concern, as the impacts of its degradation will directly affect our living conditions and those of our children. The environment is our heritage or our collective legacy as human beings. Saving the environment has become a race against the clock, and being sensitive to it, feeling concerned about it, and trying to do one’s part to improve the situation positively influences people’s level of happiness.
Pierre Côté, founder of the RHI | BIOGRAPHY

See his bio